2018年5月19日 星期六

英文文法 - 準關係代名詞 (quasi-relative pronoun)

「準關係代名詞」 是在準什麼東西啊?其實不要被嚇到,這只是嚇唬人的英文文法術語而已。

有聽過 「準大學生」 嗎? 這裡的 「準」 就是幾乎是的意思,還沒上大學,但是快要了 (真開心啊~)。

在一些文法書籍上,「準關係代名詞」 也稱為 「類似關係代名詞」 或 「疑似關係代名詞」 (私心覺得,取這樣的名字,好像比較好懂耶~)

「準關係代名詞」 的用法跟一般的「關係代名詞」 很像 (繼續看下去就知道像在哪囉!),只是對於大部分的英語學習者來說,不是那麼好懂。



準關係代名詞 有哪些? 

英文的準關係代名詞就只有三個:as, than, but。

在某些情況下,文法上本來是當作「連接詞」 或 「介係詞」 的 as, than, but,可以變成「代名詞」 使用,但是同時也保有連接詞的特性 (哈!這不就跟關係代名詞 一樣嘛~),此時這個時候這三個字就稱為「準關係代名詞」

下面 A, B, C 大項分別解說了英文的三個準關係代名詞: as, than, but。

A. as

a. 需要搭配 such, as, the same

1) such ... as ... :像 ... 的 ...

It is preferable to use such material as can be recycled.

這裡的 as 在 as can be recycled 這個關係子句中,as 作主詞,且是準關係代名詞,代替先行詞 material。整個關係子句修飾 material。

Read such books as successful people recommend.

這裡的 as 在 as successful people recommend 這個關係子句中,as 作受詞,且是準關係代名詞,代替先行詞 books。整個關係子句修飾 books。

2) as ... as ... :與 ... 一樣的 ...

I read as many books as Bill Gates recommends.

這裡的 as 是關係子句 as Bill Gates recommends 的受詞。整個關係子句修飾 books。many 前面的 as 是副詞,修飾 many。

She is as successful a girl as ever lived.

3) the same ... as ... :和 ... 一樣的 ...

She has bough the same pants as I have.

也可以說 She has bough the same pants as I. 在非正式的場合,可以說 She has bough the same pants as me.

比較:Are you wearing the same pants that I bought.
            妳現在穿的是我買的那件褲子嗎? (同一件)

有時候 as 和 that 可互換。as 多半表示 「同種; 同型; 同款」,用 that 則大多指 「同一物」,但這並非是絕對的法則。

He goes to the same college as I do.

注意:上述例句中的 as 有時也可以用關係代名詞 who, which 代替,差別在於用 who, which 代替時,後面的動詞就算重覆也不能省略。例如:

Are you watching the same movie as I am watching?
= Are you watching the same movie as I?
= Are you watching the same movie which I am watching?
= Are you watching the same movie which I? (錯誤)

b. 把 主要子句 或 主要子句的一部分 當作 as 的先行詞

As you can see, the numbers for this quarter are still looking quite great! 

準關係代名詞 as 代替後面的整個句子:the numbers for this quarter are still looking quite great!

Shakespeare is the greatest dramatist of all time, as his plays show.

準關係代名詞 as 代替前面的整個句子:Shakespeare is the greatest dramatist of all time.

常用句型 1:as is often the case with ... 或 as is usual with ...

As is often the case with him, he handed in his notice after having an argument with his employer.

有人看到這裡應該想到了,which 也可以用來代替前面的整個句子或部分句子 (which 的非限定用法),那有甚麼不一樣呢?不一樣的是:

1) as 帶有一點 「如...一般」 ,「因為...」。的意味。另外,as 聽起來比 which 輕快一點!

2) as 所引導的子句可以在主要子句 之前/中間/後面 出現,which 所引導的子句要放在主要子句之後。

Aphrodite, as is well known, is the ancient Greek goddess of love, beauty and pleasure.

As was expected, he handed in his notice after having an argument with his employer.
= He handed in his notice after having an argument with his employer, which was expected.

3) as 作主詞時,後面的動詞大多用 be 或 seem 之類的連綴動詞,which 則沒有這個限制。

As is often the case with him, ...
As is expected, ...
There is too much sex and violence on TV these days, which upsets some people.

常用句型2:as promised 

He came home two hours later, as promised.

B. than

用於有比較級的句子中,此時 than 可以同時當作「代名詞」 與 「連接詞」,屬於「準關係代名詞」。

另外,因為這裡的 than 具有代名詞的功能,所以它可以作 主詞 或 受詞。分別介紹如下:

1. than 當主詞

I used to earn more money than is needed. 

這裡 than 是關係子句 than is needed 主詞,than 是準關係代名詞,代替 money。

There is more to it than meets the eye. 


2. than 當受詞

She offered more money than I had expected. 

這裡 than 當受詞,代替 money。且這句話可以再進一步省略成:

She offered more money than expected. 

C. but

but 如果當準關係代名詞來使用,本生就具有否定意味,意思相當於 than ... but ... 。

但要注意的是主要子句裡必需要有否定意味 (譬如有 no, barely 等字)。

There is no rule but has exceptions. 

There is nobody but has his faults. 

補充:fault 當名詞時可數,在這裡的例句中解釋為 a bad or weak part of someone’s character

None came to him but was welcome.


有人注意到了嗎?這種句型前面有否定的意義,後面的 but 也有否定的意義,所以形成 「負負得正」 的概念!


There is no rule but has exceptions.
= Every rule has exceptions.


but 除了當 準關係代名詞 用,它在與否定詞 not 等字連用時,常也有否定之意,此時是一個連接詞。

but 當連接詞用時,與當準關係代名詞用時不同的地方在於,作接詞用的 but,後面接的是完整的句子。例如:

It never rains but it pours. 

這句話也可解釋為:禍不單行。把這句話記下來唄~ 它是個好用的句子喔。

He's not so heavy but we can lift him.


不過既然「準關係代名詞」 (as, such, but) 跟 「關係代名詞」 (which, who) 很像,幹嘛不把它們歸類到關係代名詞就好,還要多取一個名字,這樣比較有學問嗎?(好像真的有那麼一點點 = =) 

其實看完上面的解析後就應該會發現,「準關係代名詞」跟一般的 「關係代名詞」,實際用法還是有點不一樣,譬如準關係代名詞的使用限制就比較多。




3 則留言:

  1. 想問一下
    She offered more money than had expected.省略的I話不會有dangling modifier的嫌疑嗎?

  2. 原句 : She offered more money than I had expected.
    省略後: She offered more money than expected.
    expected 直接當形容詞:被期待的,than expected可以還原成money expected


<名詞 + 介係詞> 固定搭配組合 (f~o 開頭的名詞)

faith in I haven't much faith in him. The public has lost faith in the government. Note. destroy/restore sb’s faith favor...