2018年6月24日 星期日

<名詞 + 介係詞> 固定搭配組合 (a~e 開頭的名詞)

這裡列出了各類英文考試中,常考的 <名詞 + 介係詞> 固定搭配組合。

你知道哪些名詞後面的介係詞要用 in?哪些要用介係詞 at, on, to, with 嗎? 這是很多學生考試最怕遇到的問題。


ability at
She shows remarkable ability at cooking.

(1) ability 也可以接不定詞。
I admire his ability to listen.

(2) ability 可以是可數或不可數名詞:
students of average ability
There are musicians of all abilities. (表示不同的能力時,用複數)
The test measures your mathematical ability. (表達一種能力(e.g., 數學)時,用單數)

ability as
sb's abilities as sth
He showed his abilities as a leader. (一般來說 leaders 不只一種能力)

admiration for
I have a lot of admiration for people who do that sort of work.
I'm full of admiration for her.
I have great admiration for her.

Note. admiration 是不可數名詞。
He gazed at her in admiration.
His patience and good nature commanded widespread admiration.

admission of (承認) [C or U]
admission of guilt/defeat/failure/liability
Silence is often interpreted as an admission of guilt.
A company spokeswoman insisted the agreement did not represent any admission of liability.

Note. admission 後面也可 + that 子句
I felt he would see my giving up now as an admission that I was weak.

admission to (允許進入) [C or U]
Those applying for admission to university should be patient.

Half of all hospital admissions are emergencies, and these are treated straight away.

affection for/toward [C or U]
I had a deep affection for her.

(1) affection 常用複數表示 feelings of liking or love:
The former president still holds a place in the nation's affections.
She seems to have transferred her affections from John to his brother.

(2) affection [C or U]
She finds it difficult to show affection.

allegiance to
He pledged/sweared allegiance to the King.
You owe allegiance to the king.
Servicemen have to swear/take an oath of allegiance to the Queen.
In many American schools, the students pledge allegiance to the flag at the beginning of the school day.

Note. oath 相關的常用片語
(1) violate/break an oath
Don't break your oath.

(2) on/under oath
The defendant lied under oath.

(3) swear/take an oath
Witnesses are required to take an oath.

(4) oath of loyalty/allegiance/obedience etc

(5) the oath of office
The president took the oath of office. 

(6) be bound by an oath
These servicemen were bound to her by oaths of obedience.

allowance for
make (an) allowance/make allowances (for sth): something that you consider when deciding what is likely to happen, what you should expect etc
We should have made allowances for error.
The budget makes allowances for extra staff when needed.
There is always an allowance in insurance premiums for whether someone smokes or not.

allowance of
His parents gave him a monthly allowance of $3000.
the recommended daily allowance of salt

allowance for
Do you get an allowance for clothes?

Note. allowance 也可指 "an amount of something that you are allowed":
Sales staff get a generous mileage allowance.
If you are entitled to sickness allowance, you must claim it from your employer.
Passengers’ baggage allowance is 100 pounds per person.
allowance of
the recommended daily allowance of Vitamin A

allusion to (間接提到,暗示)
make allusions to
The report makes no allusion to his bad temper.
In her writing we can find many allusions to Greek mythology.

alternative to
Is there a viable alternative to what you've proposed?

answer to

appetite for
She has an amazing appetite for knowledge.
I have no appetite for food right now.

Note. appetite 可當可數或不可數名詞。
He always had a huge appetite. (appetite 可數)
Symptoms include loss of appetite. (appetite 不可數)

approach to
They presented a new approach to software development.

approach of
The falling of leaves is a sign of the approach of autumn.

aptitude for: a natural ability or skill
He has a natural aptitude for languages. [countable]
My son has no/little aptitude for sport(s). [uncountable]

(1) aptitude 可當可數或不可數名詞。
We will take your personal aptitudes and abilities into account.
The score of 87 represents low or below-average academic aptitude.

(2) display/have/show an aptitude (for sth)
He has been studying for A-levels and has shown an aptitude for computer studies.

(3) aptitude test

attack on/upon
There have been several attacks on the city.

attention to
As a society we need to give more attention to the poor.

attitude to
He has a very positive attitude to life.

attribute of
He possesses the essential attributes of a cook.
attribute sth to sb/sth

authority on
She is a leading authority on global warming.

authority over
Several countries claim authority over the island.

aversion to
I have an aversion to narrow-minded people.
Despite his aversion to publicity, he was persuaded to talk to the press.

bar to
Lack of money should not be a bar to a happy life.

bet on
We had a $50 bet on who’d arrive first.

(1) place/put/lay a bet
We placed bets on the horse.

(2) take a bet
They are already taking bets on the outcome.

(3) make a bet
If you want to make money on the stock market, you have to make bets.

(4) win/lose a bet
If he scores now, I’ll win my bet.

(5) bet 也可以是動詞。
How much do you want to bet?
He said he’d finish by tomorrow, but I wouldn’t bet on it.
bet (sb) that
I bet you she won’t come.
He bet me $100 that I wouldn’t do it.

Note. 注意 bet 這個字是英文動詞中,少數幾個後面可以接三個受詞,例如上面的例句中:
object 1 = me
object 2 = $100
object 3 = that I wouldn’t do it

bet (sth) on sth
He bet all his money on a horse that came last.
bet against
I wouldn’t bet against him winning the championship this year.

另外比較一下另外兩個跟 bet 同意思的字:

(1) 作名詞,可數
It was a big gamble for her to leave the band and go solo.
gamble on
The gamble on the horse had paid off.
take a gamble
In a depressed market, we cannot afford to take a gamble on a new product.

(2) 作動詞
Their religion forbids them to drink or gamble.
gamble on
He gambled on the outcome of the game.
gamble sth on sth
He gambled all his money on his new play being a hit.
gamble that
She was gambling that he would give her money back.
gamble with
We can’t relax our safety standards – we’d be gambling with people’s lives.

(1) 作名詞,可數
He had a wager on the outcome of the game.

(2) 作動詞
wager sth on sth
He wagered all his money on an horse.

blame for
It was him that accepted the blame for what had happened.
get the blame (= be blamed)
I always get the blame for his mistakes!
lay/put/pin the blame on 
He tried to lay/put the blame for his mistakes on others.
take/accept/shoulder the blame
shift the blame (onto sb) 
the blame lies with sb
In this case, the blame lay with the police.

(1) blame 不可數。
(2) blame 也可作及物動詞
blame sb/sth for sth
blame sth on sb/sth

budget of
The organization has an annual budget of $20 million.

budget for
The budget for the program has been cut.

(1) budget 可數。

(2) on a (tight) budget
Are you on a tight budget?
a book offering great ideas for decorating on a budget

(3) have a tight budget
We had a really tight budget.

(4) within/on budget (花的剛好是 budget)
So far the project is more or less on budget.

(5) under budget (花的錢少於 budget ) <> over budget 
The film is already way over budget.

(6) budget 也可以是動詞。
budget for
As a student, I have to budget.
We had to budget carefully for a car.
The university is budgeting for a deficit.
This plan lets you budget the cost through fixed monthly payments.
You will have to budget $7,000 for the most basic system.

(8) budget 也可以是形容詞。
budget flights
budget hotels 
low-budget/big-budget movies

cause for (= reason; ... 的理由。此時 cause 為不可數名詞)
There is no cause for alarm/concern.
The patient’s condition is giving cause for concern.
The present political climate gives little cause for optimism.

(1) have (good) cause to do sth
We have good cause to be proud of ourselves.

(2) with/without good cause
Many people are worried about the economy, with good cause.

(3) reason 當「理由」解釋時,為不可數名詞:
have reason to do sth
She has reason to believe him.
Under the circumstances, we had every reason to be suspicious.
(no) reason to do sth
There is no reason to panic.
with (good) reason
Natalie was alarmed by the news, and with reason.

cause of (起因。此時 cause 為可數名詞)
What' was the cause of fire?

(1) reason 跟可數的 cause 同義時,也為可數。但注意介係詞要用 for:
reason for
Can you give me a reason for his strange behavior?
reason (that)
reason why
reason behind
He explained the reasons behind the decision.
for reasons of 
The bridge is closed for reasons of safety.
reason to do sth
My children give me a reason to live.
there is no reason to do sth
There is no reason whatsoever to doubt her story.

(2) reason 當 「sense」 解釋時,為不可數名詞:
There’s reason in what he says.
listen to reason
They’re not prepared to listen to reason.
see reason
There’s no way of making my grandfather see reason.
within reason
You can do whatever you want, within reason.
go/be beyond (all) reason
Their demands go beyond all reason.

(3) reason 當 「reason 的能力」 解釋時,為不可數名詞:
the human power of reason
lose one's reason

change for the better/worse
There is a change for the better in the present political climate.
Note. 在哪個地方改變,介系詞用 in。

change of
a change of address/government/temperature/color
The police must be notified of any change of address.
She had a change of heart (=change in attitude) and decided to stay.
The patient benefited greatly from a change of scenery/air/pace.
Even with a change of trains, the subway is quicker than a cab at rush hour.

change in
Treatment is aimed at effecting a change in the child’s negative behavior.
I saw a big change in her when I met her again.
A change in personality may mean your kid has some problems in school.

change from sth to sth

make a change (to sth)
We've maked some changes to the design.

charge against (對某人控告的罪)
The charge against the man was robbery.

charge of
The man is facing the charge of robbery.
an admission charge of $50
The manager put her in charge of the team. She in turn took charge of the project.

charge for
There is an admission charge of $50 for the use of the pool.
How much do they charge for admission?

Note. charge 也是動詞
(1) Money
The hotel charges $125 a night.
charge sb + $ (for sth)
The restaurant charged us $30 for the wine.
charge sth at sth
Calls will be charged at 10 cents per minute.
charge for
We won’t charge for delivery.
charge rent/a fee/interest etc
The gallery charges an entrance fee.
charge sth to sb’s account/room etc
He charged the drinks to his room.
Use a courier and charge it to the department.
Charge the room to the company’s account.

(2) Crime
charge sb with sth
He has been charged with robbery.

(3) Electricity
The shaver can be charged (up).
The battery charges.
I charged the battery.

claim to
They'll lay claim to everything you own.

combination of
A combination of luck and ability contributes to his success.

compassion for
Do you even have compassion for the poor?

(1) compassion 為不可數名詞。

(2) compassionate (A)
I spared his life on compassionate grounds.

confidence in
Some people have lost confidence in the government.
I have complete confidence in her ability.

consideration for
They have no consideration for the sick.

contrast between
The contrast between the two students is remarkable.

contrast to (contrast 在這裡指造成對比的東西,為可數名詞)
Her carefree personality is a sharp contrast to his serious attitude.

craving for
She had a craving for some chocolate cake.

(1) craving 為可數名詞,跟 longing 有相同意思。

(2) longing for
His heart was filled with longing for her.
She felt a longing to throw herself into his arms.

crime against (這裡 crime 為「罪行」,為可數名詞)
Crimes against the elderly are becoming more common.

Note. crime 泛指「所有罪行」時,為不可數名詞。例:
Crime has increased dramatically. 
(注意因為 crime 在這句話中泛指所有的不法行為,所以是不可數名詞,故前面不加 s 或 the)
We've moved in this area because there is very little crime.

danger to (多用在 be a danger to 這種結構中)
He is a danger to society.

danger of
Many people are not aware of the dangers of texting while driving.

delay in
Why was there a delay in warning the public?

delay of
a delay of about an hour

Note. delay 可以是 可數名詞 或 不可數名詞。試比較:
Long delays are expected. (delay 在這是可數名詞)
We must arrive without delay. (delay 在這是不可數名詞)
We'll accept no excuse for any delay. (delay 在這是不可數名詞)

delight in
She takes great delight in teasing her brother.

the delights of
the delights of traveling round the world

dependence on/upon
We should reduce as early as possible our dependence on coal.
He had dependence on alcohol.

desire for
She's always had a desire for knowledge.

despair of (多用在 be the despair of)
He is the despair of his parents.

difficulty in (抽象的困難,此時 difficulty 不可數名詞)
Note. in 後面接動名詞,且 in 可省略
We had/experienced great difficulty (in) finding a place to stay the night.

difficulty with (具體的困難,此時 difficulty 可數名詞,且一般用複數)
There are several difficulties with the proposal.
Don't hesitate to reach out to me if you have any difficulties. (有困難,具體的困難,是可數名詞)
The project soon ran into difficulties.
Difficulties arised.

the difficulty of 
The difficulty of solving this mathematical problem seems enormous.

with/without difficulty
He got to his feet with difficulty.
in difficulty
The business is in financial difficulty.
The tests vary in difficulty.
get/run into difficulty
She soon got into difficulty with debt.

discussion (of/about/on + sth) (with + sb)
We were having a discussion with our share holders of/about/on the company's profits, which rose by 20% in the first quarter of the year.

dozen of
I've been there dozens of times.
She’s had dozens of boyfriends.

Note. a dozen eggs 指 12 顆蛋。dozens of eggs 表示好幾打蛋,但是沒到 hundreds of 或 thousands of 那麼多。

ear for (對聲音的能力,例如音樂、模仿其它人的聲音)
She has an ear for rhythm and melody.
He has no ear for good songs.

effect on
Most of the time corporal punishment will have negative effects on students.

put/bring sth into effect
It won’t be easy to put the plans into effect.

emphasis on [C or U]
In this school  there is a lot of emphasis on creativity.
Recently, there has been an increasing/increased emphasis on creating more jobs.
There is a strong/heavy/great/considerable emphasis on research in the university.
The emphasis should be on the first syllable.
The main emphasis must be on quality, not quantity.

put/place/lay emphasis on 
In this school we put/place/lay emphasis on creativity.
give emphasis to sth
In this school we give much emphasis to creativity.
shift the emphasis from sth to sth
add emphasis
Put bullet points before each statement to add emphasis.
the emphasis shifts/moves
The emphasis is now shifting away from oil towards renewable sources of energy.
a change of emphasis (also a shift in emphasis)
There has been a change of emphasis in the government’s foreign policy.

end of
Costs are expected to double by the end of this year.
The spacecraft is nearing the end of its useful life.
We sat at opposite ends of the table.
She joined the end of the line.
the far end
the far end (=furthest from you) of the room
At the opposite end of the political spectrum are the Marxist theories.
the cheaper end of the price range
the end of the phone/line
Sometimes, all you need is a calm voice on the end of the phone.

put/bring an end to sth
It’s hoped the talks may bring an end to the violence.

call for/demand an end to sth
The EU is demanding an end to the violence.

(1) phrases
His death marked the end of an era.
from beginning to end
I played the video from beginning to end.
come to an end
At last it seemed the war might be coming to an end.
be at an end
He rose to indicate that the conversation was at an end.
met one's end
He met his end in a car accident.
from end to end
The channel measures 10 feet from end to end.
lay/place sth end to end (=in a line, with the ends touching)
bricks laid end to end

(2) end 也可以作「目標」解釋,常用複數
political/military ends
40% of all research is undertaken for military ends.
I’ll do anything to achieve my own ends.
end in view
Every task has a clear end in view.
to that end
He wants to cut costs, and to that end is looking at ways of cutting the company’s operations.
an end in itself
IT is a tool for learning, not merely an end in itself.
the end justifies the means

(3) at the end vs. in the end
at the end: the last part of a story, book, film, game 或 the last part of a period of time
At the end of the film, the hero dies.
There is a summary at the end of the chapter.
Marco Polo traveled through Asia at the end of the 13th century.
in the end = eventually
In the end, we became friends.
I’m sure we’ll win in the end.

engagement to [C]
She broke off her engagement to him at the last minute/moment.

engagement with/in [U] (意思同 involvement)
Many students passed the class without any real engagement in learning.
Participants assess their level of engagement with their child’s feelings.

engagement with [C] (意思是「約會的約」,同義詞是 arrangement,是可數名詞)
I don't have any engagements with anyone tomorrow.
I’m afraid I have a previous lunch engagement.
carry out an engagement
Last year, President carried out over 100 public engagements.

envy of 
It was difficult to hide his envy of/at the young man’s success.

be the envy of sb
France has a film industry that is the envy of Europe.
Finland's education system is the envy of other countries around the world.

(1) envy 為不可數名詞:
with envy
All the other girls were green with envy.
twinge/pang of envy
I felt a twinge of envy.
She felt a sharp pang of envy for the people on board.

(2) envy 也可以是及物動詞:
envy sb/sth
He envied her youth and strength.
I don’t envy him.
envy sb sth
He envied Mary her youth and strength.
She led/lived/had a lifestyle which most of women would envy.

equivalent of
He had drunk the equivalent of 15 whiskies.

(1) equivalent 可以是可數名詞:
The word has no equivalent in English.
the nearest thing/equivalent to sth
He’s the nearest thing to a father I’ve got.

(2) equivalent 也可以是形容詞,此時搭配介係詞 to。
Each barrel of oil is equivalent to about 40 gallons of gasoline.

example of
Can anyone give me an example of a good dating site?

be an example to
Her bravery is an example to us all.

(1) set an example for
Parents should set an example for their children.

(2) make an example of sb
They'll make an example of you/your insubordination.

excuse for
What’s your excuse for being so late?

(1) excuse 是可數名詞。
I’m tired of listening to his excuses.

(2) excuse 可以被不定詞修飾:
I need an excuse to call her.

(3)  常用片語:
make one's excuses
He made his excuses and walked away. 

(4) excise 也可以是及物動詞,用法如下:
excuse sb for (doing) sth
Please excuse me for being late.
be excused from (doing) sth
Can I be excused from the swimming lesson today? I am on my period.

explanation of/for
Can you think of any explanation for this failure?
I might need you to give me a quick explanation of your recent strange behavior.

without explanation
She stood him up without explanation.

(1) have an eye/a good eye for
She’s definitely got a good eye for a bargain.
He has an eye for detail.

(2) have an eye on = have one's eye on
I've had my eye on the car for a while. 

(3) keep an eye on
Please keep an eye on the dog after I leave the house.

(4) close/shut one's eyes to 
I just could not shut my eyes to the fact that they had all fallen asleep.

(5) open one's eyes to
It was this incident that opened his eyes to her true character.

(6) make eyes at sb = give sb the eye = flirt with
She was making eyes at him all evening.
I noticed he was giving me the eye.

(7) set/lay/clap eyes on sb/sth
I am attracted to that blonde from the moment I clapped eyes on her.

(8) see eye to eye = be in full agreement
We didn't see eye to eye on this subject.
My sister doesn't see eye to eye with me about the arrangements.

(9) with an eye to (doing) sth = with a view to 
Invest in yourself with an eye to the future.

(10) in the eyes of sb/sth
He, aged 30, is still immature in the eyes of his parents.
In the eyes of the law he is considered guilty.

(11) an eye for an eye
An eye for an eye is no way to run a civilized justice system.



<名詞 + 介係詞> 固定搭配組合 (f~o 開頭的名詞)

faith in I haven't much faith in him. The public has lost faith in the government. Note. destroy/restore sb’s faith favor...