2018年6月18日 星期一

<及物動詞 + 受詞 + 介係詞> 固定搭配組合

英文很多時候動詞和介係詞有固定的搭配,不能自己亂套。這一部分,不管是大學英文學測、指考,或是多益都很愛考。下面介紹一些常用的 < 及物動詞 + 受詞 + 介係詞 > 組合。

(1) < 及物動詞 + 受詞 + of >

ask A of B

My teacher asked a great deal of me.

demand A of B
No matter what she did, her parents demanded more of her.

expect A of B
Most parents expect a lot of their children, but my parents seem to expect too much of me.

也有 expect sth from sb 這種說法:
The boss expects complete obedience from his employees.

convince A of B, persuade A of B
The government tried to convince/persuade us of the safety of the nuclear reactors.

warn A of B
Skiers are warned of the risk of injury.

inform A of B
Don't forget to inform us of any changes in the immigration laws.

remind A of B
That song really reminds me of my ex. (那首歌使我想起我前男/女朋友。)

I was reminded (of) how silly I was being. (註:of 後面如果是接 what/how 等開頭的名詞子句,of 可以省略)

remind 在上面兩句話中,意思為「想起」,但 remind 有另一個意思是「提醒」,此時必需和另一個介係詞 about 搭配。例句如下:

Please remind me about the tasks assigned to me.

clear A of B
Large areas of land have been cleared of forest.

She was cleared of murder.

clear 也可以用在另一種結構中:<clear sth from sth>

I spent a lot of time clearing trash from my room.

cure A of B
The new drug is able to cure you of the disease.

rob A of B
They robbed him of his possessions.
The illness robbed him of a normal childhood.

deprive A of B
The illness deprived him of a normal childhood.

rid A of B
Will science finally rid us of this disease?
The poor girl was unable to rid herself of her fears.

rid 這個字也可以當形容詞使用,常用在下列三個片語中:
(1) get rid of 
Let's get rid of the trash.

(2) be rid of 
How can we be rid of this scoundrel?

(3) want rid of
We wanted rid of the dictator.

relieve A of B
I decided to hire a personal assistant to relieve me of my work.
The doorman relieved her of her backpack.

常用片語:relieve sb of their post/duties/command etc

strip A of B
Mom stripped the beds of the sheets in order to wash them. 

(2) < 不及物動詞 + 受詞 + for >

excuse A for B
The teacher won't excuse the student for being absent from class.

補充:be excused from (doing) sth
Can I be excused from swimming today? I'm on my period. (on my period:月經來了)


ask A for B
Why don't you ask her for help?

blame A for B
Don't blame others for your mistakes.

比較:blame A for B = blame B on A
Don't blame others for your mistakes.
= Don't blame your mistakes on others.

mistake A for B
I mistook him for a well-known actor,

(1) mistake 當動詞時跟 misunderstand 是同義字:
She mistook my meaning.

(2) mistaken 是形容詞:
I'm afraid you are mistaken.
She'd been mistaken about his intentions.
mistaken belief/idea/impression/view

take A for B (take 在這裡意思為「認為)
Of course I'm paying! What do you take me for? (我當然會付錢,你以為我是誰?)

search A for B

beg A for B

praise sb/sth for (doing) sth 

criticize sb/sth for (doing) sth

punish sb for (doing) sth

forgive A for B

exchange A for B

(3) < 不及物動詞 + 受詞 + from >

tell A from B 
Can you tell iPhone 6 from iPhone 7?

distinguish A from B

know A from B (在這裡 know 意思為知道怎麼分辨)
At what age do children start to know right from wrong?

discourage A from B

prevent A from B

hinder A from B

keep A from B

prohibit A from B

protect A from B

save A from B

stop A from B

(4) < 不及物動詞 + 受詞 + with >

I have doubts as to/about entrusting him with the task of looking after our baby.

上句可以改寫為另一個句型:<entrust sth/sb to sb>
I have doubts as to/about entrusting the task of looking after our baby to him.
= I have doubts as to/about entrusting to him the task of looking after our baby. 
(避免頭重腳輕,可以把 to him 移到前面)

feed A with B We are feeding the geese with bread.

上句可以改寫為另一個句型:<feed sth to sb>
We are feeding bread to the geese.

furnish A with B
I enjoyed sleeping in a room furnished with a four-poster bed. (four-poster bed :指床的四角有四根柱子,可以掛簾子)

impress A with B
One applicant in particular impressed us with her in-depth knowledge of the subject being discussed.

補充:也可以用 <impress + sb + by>

supply sb with sth

可以改寫為另一個句型:supply sth to sb

provide sb with sth

可以改寫為另一個句型:provide sth for sb。注意用的介係詞跟上面 supply 的改寫句型不同。

present A with B (贈與、給予)
He was presented with a bottle of champagne.
She was presented with an award.

可以改寫為另一個句型:present sth to sb
His professor presented a bottle of champagne to him.

invest A with B
這個句型的 invest 有兩個意思:
(1) 給予某人權力、影響力等等
James Bond was invested with a license to kill.

(2) 給予某人某些特徵、性質
Nature has invested human beings with a capacity for critical thinking.
His heavy-rimmed glasses invested him with an air of intelligence.

invest 另一個意思是「投資」,此時投資甚麼介係詞要用 in。例句:
She made a fortune by investing in real estate.

connect A with B
Could you help connect this device with that one? (註:介係詞也可以用 to)

combine A with B

mix A with B

unite A with B

(5) < 不及物動詞 + 受詞 + on >

bestow A on B
The queen bestowed honors on him.

confer A on/upon B

常用組合:confer a title/degree/honor etc on/upon (此處 confer = bestow)
The university conferred an honorary doctorate on her.
A share confers certain rights on the person who holds it.

confer 有另一個意思:「討論」,此時為不及物動詞,後面如果要說和誰討論,要用 with + 某人,名詞為 conference。例句:
He leaned over to confer with his lawyers.

inflict A on B
He has inflicted much pain on many innocent people.

congratulate A on B 
After the exam results came out, everyone congratulated me on my excellent scores.

補充:congratulate sb for doing sth
After the exam results came out, everyone congratulated me for doing so well.

impose A on B
impose a ban/rule/punishment/tax/burden/strain etc on sth
The government imposed a ban on the sale of ivory.
The government imposed a higher tax on cigarettes.

(6) < 不及物動詞 + 受詞 + to/into >

change A to/into B
Could you change these bills into coins?

convert A to/into B
They converted the building into a mall.

make A to/into B (這裡 make 跟 convert 是同義詞,意思是「使成為...」)
We can make your room into a study after you move in.
The movie made her into a star overnight.

translate A to/into B 
Our teacher asked us to translate the text from Spanish into English.

divide A into B



<名詞 + 介係詞> 固定搭配組合 (f~o 開頭的名詞)

faith in I haven't much faith in him. The public has lost faith in the government. Note. destroy/restore sb’s faith favor...